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Artist Management

Musicians being managed by Monty FUnk team in executive meeting
What we do...

Managing our artists

Monty Funk's Artist Management team work tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring that the artists they represent can focus on their creativity and performance.

Managers handle the business aspects of our artists' career, including contract negotiations, booking gigs, and liaising with publishers, distributors and other record labels. They also play a crucial role in marketing and promoting the artist, helping to build their brand and increase visibility in the industry.


Although it is worth artists getting to grips with understanding these areas of the music business too, it can also be beneficial to have a professional manager in place to offer insights and support.

Music managers face numerous challenges in their role. These can include negotiating fair contracts with music producers, securing lucrative gigs, and managing the expectations of artists.


They also have to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of the music industry, which has been significantly impacted by the rise of digital technology and streaming services. 


Management is an essential component of a successful music career. A good manager can help an artist navigate the complexities of the music industry, from understanding contracts to building relationships with key industry players. They provide strategic guidance, helping artists make informed decisions about their career trajectory. Moreover, managers often act as a buffer between the artist and the business side of the industry, protecting the artist's interests and ensuring they are treated fairly.  


Duties of a Music Manager  

The duties of a music manager are varied and extensive, they include:  â€‹â€‹

  • Career Planning: managers help artists define their career goals and develop a strategic plan to achieve them.  

  • Negotiating Contracts: managers negotiate contracts on behalf of the artist, ensuring the terms are favourable and in the artist's best interests.

  • Booking Gigs: managers work with booking agents to secure live performances and tours for the artist.

  • Marketing and Promotion: managers oversee the marketing and promotion of the artist, including social media, press releases, and publicity campaigns.

  • Financial Management: managers often handle the financial aspects of an artist's career, including budgeting, financial planning, and ensuring the artist gets paid for their work.

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